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Configure ElastiCache with Spinnaker


Spinnaker stores its pipeline execution history in REDIS. The default configuration deploys a pod in the kubernetes cluster. If the pods gets restarted, all of the history gets lost.Using ElastiCache removes this possibility.




We are going to use a terraform script to create all that we need for this. The script is located in this repository: script creates an ElastiCache cluster using a Redis engine, it’s based on an already existing vpc using its subnet ids, this to allow connectivity to the Spinnaker cluster. 


In the file terraform.tfvars” you need to set some variables. -subnet-1-cidr: the eks subnet cluster -subnet-2-cidr = the eks subnet cluster -availability_zones: zones where a node of the cluster will be available. This needs to be equal or less than the number of nodes in the cluster -security_group_ids: The eks nodes sg

Execute the Script

terraform init 
terraform plan -var-file=terraform.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file=terraform.tfvars


After run the script the infrastructure should be created and the output of the script is the primary endpoint of the ElastiCache cluster.  

Validate Spinnaker has Connection to Elasticache

To validate Spinnaker has connection to Elasticache you need to exec into the Gate pod and run nc -zv 6379 Console should should show: bash-4.4$ nc -zv 6379 ( open If it’s not open, you should verify the subnet ids, and security groups to validate it is correct. 

Configuring Spinnaker with the Cluster

To configure spinnaker to use this cluster follow:Using elasticache in aws eks cluster: Run terraformer scripts: Need to output the dns endpointIf terraformer is enabled, add the following to terraformer-local.yml


If dinghy is enabled, add the following to dinghy-local.yml


In redis.yml, add the following code: overrideBaseUrl: redis://: skipLifeCycleManagement: true Disable automatic Redis configuration in Gate by adding the following to your gate-local.yml file:

secure: true

To delete the default redis pod, run kubectl -n spinnaker delete deployment spin-redis

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