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Use Custom Images with Halyard (Public and Private Docker Registry)


Occasionally, it may make sense to update the Spinnaker Kubernetes deployments created by Halyard with a custom Docker image. This can be done through a custom service setting.


Docker images in a Public or Private Registry


Using a Custom Docker Image (Public Registry)

Here is how you would achieve this: identify the service that you’re modifying, and create a corresponding file in .hal//service-settings/.yml with the relevant artifactId. For example, if I want to use a custom Docker image for my Deck, I could create the following file: .hal//service-settings/deck.yml artifactId:; Then, when you go to deploy your update (hal deploy apply), this setting should propagate to .hal//staging/spinnaker.yml, in services.deck.artifactId, and get deployed to the cluster. More generically, individual settings in spinnaker.yml can be overridden with files in .hal//service-settings/.yml, and additional yaml files can be propagated to containers by placing them in .hal//profiles/-local.yml

Private Docker Registry

If necessary, you may need to put your images in a private docker registry (due to corporate restrictions around using public registries like Docker Hub (  In that case you will need to configure credentials for kubernetes to authenticate and successfully pull the image from a private repo.  In order to do so, you will create a secret that contains the credentials and configure ImagePullSecrets. First start by creating a secret of type docker-registry as shown below:  kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server= --docker-username= --docker-password= --docker-email= If necessary, refer to the kubernetes guide on for different methods of creating the secret: Next, to configure ImagePullSecrets you will need to also add the following section the .yml created earlier.  kubernetes: imagePullSecrets:

  • regcred # or the name of your secret created above
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