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Potential outages when Vault integration is on (w/ K8s auth method) and updating to K8s 1.21


On Kubernetes 1.21 the ServiceAccount Issuer Discovery feature is on stable release and is enabled by default. This means that the JSON Web Token (JWT) format of the service accounts is changing to have a more secure formatPrevious format:

"iss": "kubernetes/serviceaccount",
"": "spinnaker",
"": "test-token-5v2cp",
"": "test",
"": "0ecb5560-7d43-4883-ae85-d07cf635d2d2",
"sub": "system:serviceaccount:spinnaker:test"

  New format:

"aud": [
"exp": 1661509326,
"iat": 1629973326,
"iss": "https://oidc.server.something",
"": {
"namespace": "spinnaker",
"pod": {
"name": "debugging-tools-6464df994b-46wsq",
"uid": "90451169-29cb-4e2d-8ee8-4c1e2c293a3c"
"serviceaccount": {
"name": "test",
"uid": "affc78ef-fa4b-4ba8-bb00-f9cc51d65408"
"warnafter": 1629976933
"nbf": 1629973326,
"sub": "system:serviceaccount:spinnaker:test"


The change in formatting will potentially break the Vault Kubernetes authentication method depending on the Vault Kubernetes backend configuration, throwing the message:

ISS claim invalid

  Therefore, this will cause Spinnaker and Spinnaker-operator not to be able to retrieve secrets from Vault.

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