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Azure Blueprint How-tos

Harness has first-class support for Azure Blueprints as an infrastructure provisioner.

Harness takes a Blueprint definition, publishes it using the version specified in assign.json file, and creates the assignment.

See the following Blueprint How-tos:

For a conceptual overview of provisioning with ARM and Blueprints, including videos, see Azure ARM and Blueprint Provisioning with Harness.


  • Rollback is not supported for Azure Blueprints.
  • All information about the assignment must be provided in assign.json file.
  • "Unassignment" and updating already exiting Blueprints assignments is not supported.
  • Azure Blueprint outputs cannot be referenced as variables in Harness. This limitation is the result of there being no outputs available when the Blueprint assignment is done. It is not supported by Azure. Consequently, Azure Blueprint cannot be used for mapping dynamically provisioned infrastructure while creating Harness Infrastructure Definitions.
  • Before reviewing JSON requirements and limitations, let's review the key parameters:
    • identity: Blueprint uses a managed identity to deploy the artifacts specified by the Blueprint definition. It can use the SystemAssigned or UserAssigned value.
    • location: - Blueprint uses a managed Identity to deploy resources, which requires a location.
    • blueprintId: for example: /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/HarnessARMTest/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/101-boilerplate-mng/versions/v1. Here is a description of each part:
    • /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/HarnessARMTest: Blueprint definition scope including management group name that is HarnessARMTest.
    • /providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/: default Blueprint provider information.
    • 101-boilerplate-mng: Blueprint definition name.
    • v1: new Blueprint version number.
    • locks: determines whether users, groups, and service principals with permissions can modify and delete resources deployed by the Blueprint service principal.
    • parameters: list of dynamic parameters that are applied to resources during deployment. See Creating dynamic blueprints through parameters from Azure.
    • scope: the subscription where blueprint definition will be assigned.
  • Your assign.json file must have a scope property (properties.scope) for management group level assignments. The scope is the target subscription of the Blueprint assignment (format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}). For management group level assignments, the property is required.
    For example:
"identity": {
"type": "SystemAssigned"
"location": "westus2",
"properties": {
"blueprintId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/HarnessARMTest/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/101-boilerplate-mng/versions/v2",
"resourceGroups": {
"SingleRG": {
"name": "mng-001",
"location": "eastus"
"locks": {
"mode": "none"
"parameters": {
"principalIds": {
"value": "0000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000"
"genericBlueprintParameter": {
"value": "test"
"scope": "/subscriptions/0000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000"

The scope property is required for deployment using management groups. If the Blueprint definition begins with /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managmentGroupName} , the definition will be created at the management group scope, but the assignment is done at the subscription in scope.

  • The subscription provided in the scope property must be a descendant of the management group provided in the blueprintId.
  • blueprintId must follow the next pattern /{resourceScope}/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/{blueprintName}/versions/{versionId}. If not, an exception is thrown.
  • If the Blueprint definition is created and published at the management group scope, Harness only supports assignment to one subscription during deployment. Harness doesn't support assignment to multiple subscriptions. You can only state one subscription as the value of scope property in the assign.json file.
  • The assignment name is generated automatically.
  • The artifacts name is taken from artifact name property in artifact.json. If name doesn’t exist in artifact.json, the file name is used. The artifact name is important because of its use with the dependsOn property. See Understand the deployment sequence in Azure Blueprints from Azure.
  • If the blueprint.json file contains the name property and that name is not the same as the name provided in the assign.json file, this error message is shown:
Not match blueprint name found in blueprint json file with properties.blueprintId property in assign json file.  
Found name in blueprint json: boilerplate-101, and properties.blueprintId: boilerplate-201"
  • If identity has the SystemAssigned value, then the Azure service principal used for the Harness Azure Cloud Provider must have the Owner role in the subscription where the assignment will be created. If the service principal uses a System-assigned user identity, then you are responsible for managing the right and lifecycle of a user-managed identity.
  • During deployment, each Workflow checks whether the version number specified in the assign.json file already exits on Azure.
    If the version does already exist, only a new assignment will be created.
    If the version does not exist, the deployment process (creating or updating Blueprint definition and artifacts, publishing, and assignment) starts.

Azure Roles Required

See Azure Blueprint in Add Microsoft Azure Cloud Provider.

Harness Permissions Required

To set up a Harness Blueprint Provisioner, your Harness User account must belong to a User Group with the following Application Permissions:

  • Permission Type: Provisioners.
  • Application: one or more Applications.
  • Filter: All Provisioners.
  • Action: Create, Read, Update, Delete.
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